Dancing with Dionysos in a Foreign Country

Guess what awesome thing is going to happen in a few days? You guessed right–well, I hope you did, anyway–it’s going to be Lenaia again, and on the same day as the Kalends of February, no less! I wasn’t able to properly observe it last year, so I’m hoping to do it justice in 2015.

It’s also a beautiful coincidence that I’m celebrating it in a foreign country and watching Riverdance at the same time! I know it’s not exactly acting, but it’s still theatre and it’s still art. I’ve also been dying to see it live since 1997. I was 11 or 12 when I first saw it on television and I’ve been hooked on Irish dancing ever since. It is absolutely my most favourite thing in the world. This kalends is going to be very memorable, indeed. May all be well and fortunate!

Speaking of good fortune, I of course did not forget to pay my dues before the trip:

No trip without proper sacrifice to the Luck-bringer and Traveller

No trip without proper sacrifice to the Luck-bringer and Traveller

The Lord accepts auspiciously-named candy as payment for his unfailing travel insurance plan

The Lord accepts auspiciously-named candy as payment for his unfailing travel insurance plan

How can the Lord resist the smell of burning cinnamon bark!

How can the Lord resist the smell of burning cinnamon bark!

May all be smooth, safe, and sweet for me and my friends on this trip!

Hail dancing Lord of the wine-press! Hail travelling Luck-bringer! Hail gracious roadside spirits! Hail Twin Saviours!