Welcome, 2015!

Happy Gregorian New Year! ¡Bienvenidos MMXV!

I hope your Kalends of January were joyous! I’ve had no time to update you all on our “Decemberalia” (i.e. Poseidea, Dionysia, Saturnalia, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, etc.) festivities, but I still plan to post one or two (read: several) pictures in the coming days.

Thankfully, Instagram was privy to some of our Kalends of January moments, so I can share these right away:

Fresh pine to make new wreaths for the New Year

Fresh pine to make new wreaths for the New Year

A new wreath for Father Ianus

A new wreath for Father Ianus

One wreath for the threshold and another for the Sun King

One wreath for the threshold and another for the Sun King

No rite without oil and wine

No ritus sanctus without oil and wine

Modest portions because we are a modest people

Modest portions because we are a modest people. Bragging doesn’t work on the deathless gods.

The shrine is unveiled and all the gods are invited

The shrine is unveiled and all the gods are invited.

May all your calends and noumênia feasts be joyous and bountiful!

May all your feasts be joyous and bountiful! (By the way, the beautiful clay lararium plaque was a gift from our dear friend, Murmur, praise his bloody skilful hands!)

Of course, the celebration doesn’t end there. As we speak, our house is getting ready for our very first celebration of the Vialia (which we’re borrowing from Helio, bless his genius). I’m, at this very moment, baking some whole-wheat focaccia cum libum and it smells really good, mm-mm. I hope the Luck-bringer likes it, so let’s do this!

Happy New Year! Happy Vialia! To auspicious beginnings!

— 4th of January 2015 c.e. 2768 a.u.c. / 13th of Poseideôn-Audenaios 2nd of the 698th olympiad