
Makadiwata is a Filipino-Lebanese Polytheist. To borrow a colonial-era term, he is a Mestizo—born of two trees—multicultural by ancestry and tradition.

Of all the Gods of the Greeks, he holds Hermês, Dionysos, and Athênê closest to his heart. He is also not a stranger to the local Hindu community: he is especially fond of celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi and Durga Navratri with them, and is a devotee of these two mighty deities.

As a child, he was raised in a part-folk, part-liberal Catholic household, and whilst he renounced his ties with the church of his upbringing a long time ago, he still adheres to many of his family’s “Catholic” traditions. He still has a couple of Marian devotions a year, and he religiously maintains their Catholic shrine at home as well as the one dedicated to the Olympioi—quite true to the spirit of polytheism.

His passions include historical linguistics, ancient religion (of course), and Ireland (as an avowed Celtophile). He considers himself a worshipper of Beauty, Reason, and the Word.

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